Methylation is a cycle in our body that is critically important for healthy functioning. It also has the power to protect us from various diseases that are “described” in our genes. Methylation may perhaps be best known for its role in detoxification, although there...
This holiday season, remember to embrace the reason we celebrate. Beyond the baked pies, candy canes, and store-wide sales events, there’s the people in our lives who have journeyed through this year and come out the other side. These people, whether friends, family,...
World Anti-Obesity Day is on November 26th every year. This year it just so happens to fall on our Thanksgiving Day. How fitting is that? Although it would be better fitting with elastic pants! Okay, sorry, bad pun. All joking aside though, obesity has become a global...
Healthy Connections is partnered with ProLon, a company that has created a 5-day dietary program that guides patients through a fasting mimicking diet (or FMD). Fasting in general has many health benefits if done correctly. It enhances cellular renewal,...
Staying Safe in Smoky Times: Is the smoky air from the wildfires bothering you? Headaches, nausea, coughing, scratchy throat, even brain fog and fatigue are common symptoms of hazardous air quality. Dr. Jeff’s 3-minute video shares some powerful, simple...
As we age, we experience normal changes in our physical and mental health. Some of these changes are just that—normal. However, there is a self-fulfilling prophesy at play here too. Some changes are a result of a fatalistic thought process of accepting certain...