The first thing we think of when vitamin C is mentioned is how it helps our immune system by preventing and fighting off illness. This is indeed a huge role it plays in our health, making it a very important nutrient in today’s world of COVID-19. What may not be as...
Even while business doors are slowly opening and some restaurants are gradually resuming service, it is even more imperative to strengthen your immune health. Why? If you are a business owner or employee who now has returned to work, you are being exposed to dozens...
Since the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have discussed several ways to protect and strengthen our immune system. From washing our hands and getting enough sleep, to eating antioxidant-rich foods and taking certain supplements. In functional medicine, we recognize...
For those of us with SIBO, it can be really frustrating to figure out which foods and ingredients trigger symptoms and which don’t. Even while following a low FODMAP diet plan, and avoiding all the wrong foods, some of us still have symptoms. We just can’t pin it...
Our blogs have described a lot of ways to boost your immune system, many of them discussing the many beneftis of specific foods, vitamins, or minerals. But what about general lifestyle guidelines? Are there ways to help our immune systems throughout the day, whether...