Current Patients
Ways To Stay In Touch
➤ During regular office hours – Call us on our office phone! 541-716-5786. Someone will be able to get back with you that business day.
➤ After regular office hours:
- Urgent? Call 9-1-1
- Semi-urgent/non-emergency? Call Dr Jeff’s on call number 503-406 2623
- Not urgent? Leave a voicemail on our office, or message us through Elation Passport
If you have questions or concerns that might take Dr Jeff more than 5 minutes to reply to a message, we might need to schedule you for a quick visit.

Virtual Visits:
These are a convenient way to stay connected from the comfort of your home or office or anywhere that has internet! We will send you a link to our secure Zoom “virtual office” prior to your visit. Please show up on time and Dr Jeff, Heather or Kirsten will meet you there!
Insurance Billing:
Contact Heather if you have questions regarding a bill you get for your services with us. As we continue to work out the kinks of our Hybrid Membership Model, we know there are questions and concerns. We’re happy to help you sort it out. Heather’s voice mail can be reached at: 541-716-5795.
Your membership renews either monthly or annually, depending on how we set it up initially. If you feel you are ready to discontinue your care with our clinic, you are under no contractual obligation and may cancel at any time. Please contact our office by phone or in writing, and kindly give us 30 days notice of cancellation.