The Effect of Phytonutrients on Cancer
Phytonutrients are found in plants and each one has unique health benefits. Some phytonutrients can prevent the growth and spread of cancer.
Nutrition-Based Pros and Cons of Vegetarian Diets
There are several health benefits of vegetarian diets as well as aspects that can harm your health over time. Let’s discuss this more!
World Heart Day: CVD Prevention and Fasting Diets
World Heart Day is a time to raise awareness about cardiovascular disease. New research shows how fasting can help CVD prevention. Read on!
ProLon and The Fasting Mimicking Diet
Discover ProLon and the Fasting Mimicking Diet! ProLon mails you pre-packaged nutrition kits that are now sold by Healthy Connections!
Detox From Hazardous Wildfire Smoke
Wildfire smoke contains small particulates and hazardous pollutants that damage our health. Learn about how to detox from smoke exposure
Short Video on Easing Symptoms of Wildfire Smoke
Poor air quality from wildfire smoke causes headaches, coughing, and even fatigue. Watch a video for a DIY air filter and supplements to help