Tips For Aging Gracefully
Aging is inevitable, but some symptoms of aging are from poor self-care. We discuss new habits and skills to help you age gracefully.
Staying Safe During Wildfire Season
As the 2020 wildfires continue to burn across Oregon, we discuss preparing our family and homes for evacuation, as well as how to stay safe
Benefits of Coffee and the Brand We Recommend
Coffee has been shown to increase life-span as well as decrease risk for several diseases. We recommend Purity Coffee for their quality beans
Combating Loneliness as the Pandemic Continues
Older adults are at higher risk of feeling lonely, especially during COVID. Learn how to fight this, mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Bone Broth For Your Immune System and Gut Health
Bone broth is full of essential nutrients for our gut function. Read Beth’s story on how bone broth helped and how she’s now helping others
Glyphosate and the Story Behind Monsanto
Review on a podcast from Dr. Hyman featuring guest Robert F Kennedy Jr. Learn how he brought the chemical giant, Monstanto, to court and the harm of Roundup