The COVID vaccine is continuing its steady rollout phases throughout the country. Each state varies on where they are in this process, prioritizing frontline workers and at risk populations for the earliest phases of distribution.

Oregon residents have entered the next tier of eligibility this month. As of March 1st, residents aged 65 and older can now receive the COVID vaccine. This group is in Phase 1b, Group 5.

Groups 1-4 began in January and are still being completed.

Group 6 will be eligible for the vaccine no later than March 29th. This group includes:


  • Adults aged 45-64 with specific health conditions. Click here for a list of qualifying conditions
  • Those living in senior independent living facilities
  • Wild land firefighters


Launching a nationwide vaccination campaign has been an ongoing struggle due to limited supply and other logistics. Hood River County, and indeed the whole state, is experiencing a shortage of vaccines. It is expected that more will be available by the end of March.

Healthy Connections is currently reaching out to our eligible primary care members. Our beloved RN, Barb Berry, is administering the vaccines, and we held our first vaccine clinic March 3rd!

Please avoid calling our office to get the vaccine. We will contact you as vaccine availability allows.

Thank you for your patience!