2020 brings on a new year, a new decade and the chance for everyone to reflect on the past and plan for the future. The new year often gives us time to focus on becoming the best version of ourselves.
In an article released by KnewHealth, they discuss the four areas of focus, that can help you become the best-version of you. The four essential areas being: physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. We want to share these helpful tips for self-growth with you:
“When you eat whole foods, when you move your body, when you get adequate sleep, when you get out in nature, how do you feel? You feel fantastic, vibrant and alive. You are fostering an environment for self-mastery and happiness to flourish.”
The physical body is an important part of your well-being. Ask yourself what small steps you can take to empower your physical self in 2020. Whether that is through healthy whole-food eating, exercise or better sleep, what can you do to help become the best you?
“When you surround yourself with positive people, when you give love and presence to your relationships, when you see life through an optimistic lens, when you are able to say “I’m sorry” and “I forgive you”, you create an environment of love and self-awareness. Your personal power increases.”
Emotional health is just as important as physical. What steps can you take in 2020 to help create strong and lasting relationships with others, and yourself?
“When you seek wisdom, knowledge and counsel, when you stimulate your mind with people, places, things, experiences, when you read for 15-30 minutes a day, you expand your vision and your world. When your vision and your world expand, your personal power increases.”
How can you stimulate your intellectual side in 2020? Taking time to read a book, listen to a podcast, or have a thoughtful conversation can empower you to be your best self.
“When you take a few minutes every day to get quiet, when you turn off the busy world to go “within,” when you take time to count your blessings, your sense of peace and purpose expand. You foster an environment to discover your Essential Purpose. Your personal power increases.”
Self reflection and meditation are a wonderful way to feel a sense of calm day-to-day. 2020 can be a year of growth, what can you do each day to bring peace and calm?
We are excited to ring in the New Year with so much to be grateful for at Healthy Connections. We are even more excited for what this new year (and decade) will bring to the Healthy Connections Community.
With peace and gratitude, Happy New Years!
If you want to learn more: 2020: Knew Year, Knew You – KnewHealth